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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions


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Why publish with Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions (JEEHP)

First published on January 8, 2018:

Excellent scientific quality, ensured with data sharing policy and peer review
  • The submitted manuscript is reviewed not only by peer reviewers, but also by the editorial team.
  • The initial quality control process, conducted by the editorial office, covers the following: author taxonomy and author identifier (ORCID); conflict-of-interest statement; informed consent or approval by the appropriate Institutional Review Board for studies involving human participants; financial disclosures; full compliance with the data sharing policy through the submission of raw and processed data; alignment with the aims and scope of the journal; exact description based on the style and format; and description according to the reporting guidelines, if applicable.
  • If the submission does not pass the initial quality evaluation or does not fit the journal’s aims and scope, the author is advised to revise the manuscript accordingly or to identify other journals for submission prior to review.
  • During the review process, raw or processed data are provided to peer reviewers; this enables these reviewers to examine the data and assess scientific soundness more thoroughly. In general, data sharing policies allow readers to reproduce the study results using raw data. This helps maximize the scientific quality of the articles. JEEHP, a unique education journal, has adopted such an data sharing policy. Therefore, readers can be confident in the scientific quality of the accepted articles.
Rapid review decision and e-publication ahead of print after acceptance
  • The submitted manuscript is immediately checked by the editorial office. Typically, this allows the decision of whether to circulate the manuscript to be made within 48 hours.
  • The first round of peer review is usually completed within 14 days.
  • If the manuscript is accepted after review and revision, it is published on the journal homepage and PubMed as an e-publication ahead of print with a watermark. This facilitates the rapid presentation of new findings or opinions to the world before the final publication process, which includes manuscript editing, English language editing, PDF formatting, and XML production.
  • Metrics on the manuscript review process are available at
High satisfaction among authors, reviewers, and readers
For authors
  • Most authors want not only a rapid decision, but also immediate publication after acceptance, which JEEHP provides.
  • JEEHP supplies an EndNote style file for manuscript preparation.
  • Authors may recommend peer reviewers. For preferred reviewers, we advise authors to recommend researchers from their institute or field who know them well, as they may review their colleague’s manuscript with particular warmth and attentiveness.
  • Accepted manuscripts are processed through manuscript editing, English language editing, and redrawing of figures for a more lucid and straightforward presentation. After publication, authors can confirm article-level metrics such as the numbers of hits, downloads, and citations via Crossref metadata and other databases, along with Altmetrics.
  • If any article is cited by other articles, data are dispatched to the corresponding author of the cited article.
  • JEEHP has no author-side submission fee or article processing charge, although it is an open access journal. All publication costs are the responsibility of the publisher.
  • If an article is supported by research funding from the United States National Institutes of Health and must be submitted to the PubMed Central archive, it is automatically deposited to PubMed Central after publication.
  • JEEHP participates in the Crossref Funder Registry so that any article with funding support can be listed in the Registry. The funding organization can easily trace its output through the Funder Registry.
  • Authors are requested to create an audio recording of the abstract, including the title; however, if this is not feasible, a volunteer is available to perform this work.
  • Authors can deposit the accepted or final version of an article to their institutional repository.
For reviewers
  • The review procedure in the e-submission system is very simple and clearly described.
  • Reviewers can direct comments to the editor as well as the authors.
  • The reviewer’s opinion is heavily reflected in the editorial decision.
For Readers
  • Readers can enjoy viewing articles, listening to audio recordings of abstracts, and watching video clips without charge. They can easily read any downloaded articles through Android or iPad apps even without internet access.
  • Readers can consume article content with PubReader or EPUB 3.0 formats. These formats are convenient because of consistent font size across any browser or book-like reading interface. Printing in PDF format is also possible.
  • Based on the cited-by function of references, readers can navigate to the digital object identifier (DOI) landing page, PubMed site, or PubMed Central site of reference.
  • Readers can trace the most frequently cited articles, data shared articles, funded articles, and articles by author name. It is also possible to filter articles by publication type.
  • Readers can easily check the present status of any article through the “Check for updates” (CrossCheck) tool, provided by Crossref. If errata, corrigenda, retractions, or other changes in articles occur, these can be easily found.
  • The Crossref text and data mining functionality for articles provide a good source of information for a systematic review or meta-analysis. Readers can benefit from access to the full texts of related articles.
  • The ability to download citations is provided in the reference sections of articles. Readers can conveniently cite JEEHP in their manuscripts.
  • One of the primary advantages offered by JEEHP is access to raw data. Readers can replicate the data analysis in an article or adopt another methodology for analysis. Raw data from high-stakes examinations is invaluable in the application of theoretical study to real data. Furthermore, meta-analysis can be performed with the raw data in addition to the article itself.
  • Any suggestions or comments on a specific article can be provided by submitting a letter to the editor.
Specific scope of educational evaluation in a variety of medical health fields
  • JEEHP specializes in educational evaluation, including the adoption of measurement theory in medical health education, the enhancement of high-stakes examinations such as national licensing examinations, and the improvement of nationwide or international education programs, computer-based testing, computerized adaptive testing, and medical health regulatory bodies.
  • This field comprises a variety of professions addressing medical health. In addition to specialized topics, another strength is that it covers education across all medical health professions. Members of medical professions have a common goal of liberating humanity from suffering stemming from disease or illness. Therefore, they can share principles and methods of educational evaluation. Tools developed in one professional field can frequently be easily adopted in others.

JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions