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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions


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Established on December 1, 2004

Brief History of Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions

  • 2024: Received a 2023 Journal Impact Factor of 9.3 from Clarivate® on June 20, 2024.
  • 2023: Received a 2022 Journal Impact Factor of 4.4 for the first time from Clarivate®.
    on June 28, 2023.
  • 2021: Received a Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) value of 0.51 for the first time from Clarivate®.
  • 2019: Accepted for inclusion in Scopus by the Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board in January 2019. In April 2019, JEEHP was also included in the Korea Citation Index, an abstract and reference database maintained by the National Research Foundation of Korea. Additionally, JEEHP adopted several new technologies this year: (1) a review process counter on October 16; (2) a national map of authors from each year with a table of contents and editorial board members on December 9; (3) national flags of the authors and editorial board members on December 9; and (4) inclusion of the authors’ nationality distributions in metrics on December 9.
  • 2018: A clinical data sharing policy was introduced according to the stipulations of the Data Sharing Statements for Clinical Trials: A Requirement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. JEEHP adopted the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. It was also included in Embase, the invaluable biomedical literature database maintained by Elsevier, in May 2018.
  • 2017: Author taxonomy was introduced in March.
  • 2016: In March, JEEHP became a MEDLINE journal; as such, MeSH terms began to be added to citation data in PubMed with the first article of 2016. At the same time, it could be seen in SCOPUS search results as a Medline-sourced title starting with the 2016 issue. An open data policy was introduced in March. The first article under the data sharing policy was “Pantelidis P et al. Medical students’ satisfaction with the Applied Basic Clinical Seminar with Scenarios for Students, a novel simulation-based learning method in Greece” available at JEEHP became an affiliated journal of the World Federation for Medical Education in September 2016. It passed the re-evaluation process of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors in October.
  • 2015: JEEHP began to be indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index in December; since then, it has been searchable in the Web of Science Core Collection. The publisher’s title was changed from the National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board of Korea to the Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute in December. This year, JEEHP also began asking the authors of submitted manuscripts to specify the name of the country of the study population in the title.
  • 2014: CrossRef’s text and data mining service was adopted (October 15).
  • 2013: JEEHP became a member journal of the Committee on Publication Ethics and the World Association of Medical Editors. It began to be indexed in the CINAHL and EBSCO databases, while. also becoming searchable in ScienceCentral. From May onward, it has mandated a digital object identifier (DOI) at the end of each reference. Also, JEEHP began requiring an audio or video recording of the author speaking in their native language or in English. The first article with an audio recording was “United States medical students’ knowledge of Alzheimer disease” by Brian J. Nagle et al., available at Starting on June 31, ORCIDs (open researcher and contributor IDs) began to be added for all authors. The CrossMark ("Check for updates") and FundRef (the CrossRef Funder Registry) services from CrossRef were introduced on August 13.
  • 2012: Received a remarkable number of citations from other related journals. Became a member journal of the Korean Council of Science Editors. Became a co-official journal of the Association for Medical Education in the Western Pacific Region.
  • 2011: Editor became a member of the European Association of Science Editors. Submitted manuscripts began to be screened for plagiarism or duplicate publication via CrossCheck.
  • 2010: Became a member journal of the Alliance of Learned and Professional Society Publishers.
  • 2009: From February 2009, JEEHP began participating in PubMed Central; therefore, its citation info became searchable in PubMed at that time. JEEHP also became a member journal of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), at which time its metadata became searchable via DOAJ Search. Increased submissions were received from outside of Korea.
  • 2008: Editor became a member of the Council of Science Editors. JEEHP metadata began to be searchable through KoreaMed and KoMCI.
  • 2007: From December 2007, JEEHP began to deposit digital object identifier (DOI) XML files into CrossRef to enable participation in the network of international journal articles.
  • 2006: The language of the text was changed to English-only to recruit papers from outside of Korea and to propagate invaluable information worldwide. In 2006, 7 papers were published. An open-access policy was declared under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. Full-text PubMed Central XML files were produced and embedded in the journal homepage.
  • 2005: The second editor, Dr. Sun Huh, took over as editor and published Volume 2, a single issue containing 9 papers in Korean. JEEHP became a member journal of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors.
  • 2004: The Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions (pISSN: 1738-1339, eISSN 1975-5937) was launched at the suggestion of Dr. Sang-Ho Baik, the second President of the National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board of Korea. As the first editor, Dr. Chan-il Park, Professor of Pathology at Yonsei University College of Medicine, worked tirelessly for the publication of the inaugural issue. It was published in December 2004, with 9 papers in a single Korean-language issue.

JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions