Graduate Management Admission Council, Reston, VA, USA
© 2018, Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute
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Authors’ contributions
All work was done by Kyung (Chris) Tyek Han.
Conflict of interest
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Simulees | 10,000 Simulees with θ–N (0, 1) |
Item pool | 300 Items based on a 2-parameter logistic item response theory model |
• ma–U (0.5, 1.2) | |
• b–U (-3, 3) | |
Item selection criterion | Maximum Fisher information |
Item exposure control | Randomesque (randomly select an item from among the 5 best items) |
Test length | Variable length |
• aTerminate when standard error of estimation becomes smaller than 0.3 | |
• bMaximum of 50 items | |
Content balancing | None |
Score estimation | maximum likelihood estimation with fences (lower and upper fences at −3.5 and 3.5, respectively) |
Initial score randomly chosen between −0.5 and 0.5 | |
Limit the estimate jump by 1 for the first 5 items | |
Outputs | Save item use (exposure) |