1Department of Community Medicine, Army Medical College, National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
2Institute of Health Professions Education and Research, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar, Pakistan
© 2017, Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute
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Authors’ contributions
Conceptualization: SM, UM. Data curation: SM. Formal analysis: SM, UM. Methodology: SM, UM. Project administration: SM, UM. Visualization: SM, UM. Writing–original draft: SM, UM. Writing–review & editing: SM, UM.
Conflict of interest
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
No financial support was received by the authors for the present study.
MBBS, bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery; FCPS, fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons; JHPE, joint Human performance enhancement; PGT, post graduate trainee; MHPE, masters of health professions education; MPH, master of public health; M. Phil, master of philosophy; PhD, doctor of philosophy; MCPS, member of College of Physicians and Surgeons (Canada); DTCD, diploma in tuberculosis and chest diseases; DIMS, Doctors’ Institute of Medical Sciences; CPQP, Certified Pharma Quality Professional; CPHQ, Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality.
No. | Respondents’ID | Date of interview | Gender | Department | Credentials |
1 | FW | 20-3-2017 | Female | Gynecology and obstetrics | MBBS, FCPS, JHPE |
2 | KFD | 20-3-2017 | Male | Surgery | MBBS, FCPS, PGT, MHPE |
3 | FQ | 21-3-2017 | Male | Medicine | MBBS, FCPS, PGT, MHPE (trainee) |
4 | MA | 27-3-2017 | Female | Pathology | MBBS, FCPS, MHPE |
5 | AB | 28-3-2017 | Male | Community medicine | MBBS, MPH, PGT, MHPE |
6 | UZ | 30-3-2017 | Female | Pharmacology | MBBS, M. Phil |
7 | SH | 30-3-2017 | Female | Physiology | MBBS, M. Phil, PhD |
8 | MU | 7-4-2017 | Male | Surgery | MBBS, FCPS, MCPS (medical education) |
9 | SM | 10-4-2017 | Female | Pediatrics | MBBS, FCPS |
10 | MUR | 13-4-2017 | Male | Institute of healthcare improvement and safety | MBBS, DTCD, MCPS, DIMS, CPQP, CPHQ |
Sub-themes | Description | Frequency | References | Representative quotes |
Need for a formal curriculum | Following a formal curriculum is considered more effective | 9 | 31 | AB: “I think it is the right time now, if you want to keep pace in between the developing and developed world”. |
Reason for teaching | Doing no harm; safety of patients for ourselves and for our coming generation | 10 | 26 | FW: “It’s just like if a jet falls we are also worried, and 200, 300 people are dying, so it’s like 7 jets falling in a week with so many patients dying because of lack of patient safety”. |
Early integration of patient safety education | Fundamental information should establish background knowledge; thereafter, specific knowledge should be imparted | 8 | 18 | SM: “Yes I will say that it can start from the very first year because this is the work for which they have come.” |
Sub-themes | Description | Frequency | References | Representative quotes |
Faculty awareness | Faculty and system must be aware of its applicability in our social context | 10 | 42 | UZ: “Weaknesses are the training of the trainers first; we must have the trained person who will train the trainers”. |
Role of the informal curriculum | Topic not taught as an explicit component of the curriculum | 9 | 27 | UZ: “In informal way I taught them how you can prevent spread of infections, because I know I don’t have any formal curriculum.” |
Participation in faculty development programs | Many faculty development activities are required to train faculty to train their students | 10 | 19 | MA: “We need to have faculty development before that, so we are all on the same page, that is the weakness and challenge we have”. |
Sub-themes | Description | Frequency | References | Representative quotes |
Role of the formal curriculum | Until the curriculum is conducted in a structured way and implemented officially, it cannot be effective. | 9 | 29 | KFD: “The biggest opportunity that exists for us is an ongoing effort for a proper curriculum designing at the national level. Anything positive would be rightly implemented in our evolving curriculum.” |
Learning from errors, near misses as an educational tool | In quality medical care, a mistake is an opportunity to learn. | 10 | 27 | KFD: “We have to remove the threat component from the recognition of errors; that can be to the professional integrity, personal identity or deficiency of the existing system of practice. |
Views about WHO curricular guide | Opinions regarding the WHO patient safety curriculum | 10 | 19 | MA: “No, everybody needs to tailor it according to their needs, their facilities, and whatever is happening over there. One curriculum does not fit all.” |
Sub-themes | Description | Frequency | References | Representative quotes |
Patient safety in Pakistani culture | To create a patient safety culture in our environment, we have to start from somewhere | 10 | 30 | MU: “It is not all or none process. We do not expect that today we implement and tomorrow these guidelines are followed. |
Resistance to implementation from different levels | The current culture is quite resistant because everyone is not used to it | 10 | 22 | SH: “When there is check and balance there is threat to a number of people who are not doing things right.” |
Role of regulatory authorities in implementation | If the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council implements it and makes it compulsory, then the whole medical establishment will be involved | 7 | 18 | KFD: “Some initiative needs to be taken at the level of our national regulatory authorities which are the policy makers of health care provision in Pakistan.” |
MBBS, bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery; FCPS, fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons; JHPE, joint Human performance enhancement; PGT, post graduate trainee; MHPE, masters of health professions education; MPH, master of public health; M. Phil, master of philosophy; PhD, doctor of philosophy; MCPS, member of College of Physicians and Surgeons (Canada); DTCD, diploma in tuberculosis and chest diseases; DIMS, Doctors’ Institute of Medical Sciences; CPQP, Certified Pharma Quality Professional; CPHQ, Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality.
WHO, World Health Organization.