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Wendy Romney 3 Articles
Doctoral physical therapy students’ increased confidence following exploration of active video gaming systems in a problem-based learning curriculum in the United States: a pre- and post-intervention study  
Michelle Elizabeth Wormley, Wendy Romney, Diana Veneri, Andrea Oberlander
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2022;19:7.   Published online April 26, 2022
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AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
Active video gaming (AVG) is used in physical therapy (PT) to treat individuals with a variety of diagnoses across the lifespan. The literature supports improvements in balance, cardiovascular endurance, and motor control; however, evidence is lacking regarding the implementation of AVG in PT education. This study investigated doctoral physical therapy (DPT) students’ confidence following active exploration of AVG systems as a PT intervention in the United States.
This pretest-posttest study included 60 DPT students in 2017 (cohort 1) and 55 students in 2018 (cohort 2) enrolled in a problem-based learning curriculum. AVG systems were embedded into patient cases and 2 interactive laboratory classes across 2 consecutive semesters (April–December 2017 and April–December 2018). Participants completed a 31-question survey before the intervention and 8 months later. Students’ confidence was rated for general use, game selection, plan of care, set-up, documentation, setting, and demographics. Descriptive statistics and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to compare differences in confidence pre- and post-intervention.
Both cohorts showed increased confidence at the post-test, with median (interquartile range) scores as follows: cohort 1: pre-test, 57.1 (44.3–63.5); post-test, 79.1 (73.1–85.4); and cohort 2: pre-test, 61.4 (48.0–70.7); post-test, 89.3 (80.0–93.2). Cohort 2 was significantly more confident at baseline than cohort 1 (P<0.05). In cohort 1, students’ data were paired and confidence levels significantly increased in all domains: use, Z=-6.2 (P<0.01); selection, Z=-5.9 (P<0.01); plan of care, Z=-6.0 (P<0.01); set-up, Z=-5.5 (P<0.01); documentation, Z=-6.0 (P<0.01); setting, Z=-6.3 (P<0.01); and total score, Z=-6.4 (P<0.01).
Structured, active experiences with AVG resulted in a significant increase in students’ confidence. As technology advances in healthcare delivery, it is essential to expose students to these technologies in the classroom.


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  • The use of artificial intelligence in crafting a novel method for teaching normal human gait
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    European Journal of Physiotherapy.2024; : 1.     CrossRef
Initial steps for integrating academic electronic health records into clinical curricula of physical and occupational therapy in the United States: a survey-based observational study  
Stephen Burrows, Lola Halperin, Eric Nemec, Wendy Romney
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2022;19:24.   Published online September 2, 2022
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Training programs must be designed to prepare physical and occupational therapy students to use electronic health records (EHR) and interprofessional collaboration. This report aims to describe physical and occupational therapy students’ perceptions of integrating an academic EHR (AEHR) in their problem-based learning (PBL) curricula in the College of Health Professions, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut, the United States. A paper-based case approach to PBL was adapted by creating patient cases in an AEHR. Students were asked to complete chart reviews and review provider notes to enhance their learning. An online survey was conducted to determine their perceptions of using AEHR from May 2014 to August 2015. Eighty-five students completed the survey, and 88.1% felt that using an AEHR was needed, and 82.4% felt that the additional notes enhanced their understanding of the interdisciplinary team. However, 83.5% reported the AEHR system increased the time needed to extract meaningful information. Incorporating an AEHR into curricula is essential to ensure students are adequately prepared for future patient interactions.
Development of the Clinical Teaching Effectiveness Questionnaire in the United States  
Michelle E. Wormley, Wendy Romney, Anna E. Greer
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2017;14:14.   Published online June 29, 2017
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  • 6 Web of Science
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AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to develop a valid measure for assessing clinical teaching effectiveness within the field of physical therapy.
The Clinical Teaching Effectiveness Questionnaire (CTEQ) was developed via a 4-stage process, including (1) initial content development, (2) content analysis with 8 clinical instructors with over 5 years of clinical teaching experience, (3) pilot testing with 205 clinical instructors from 2 universities in the Northeast of the United States, and (4) psychometric evaluation, including principal component analysis.
The scale development process resulted in a 30-item questionnaire with 4 sections that relate to clinical teaching: learning experiences, learning environment, communication, and evaluation.
The CTEQ provides a preliminary valid measure for assessing clinical teaching effectiveness in physical therapy practice.


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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions