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Kevin Rooney 1 Article
Developing a framework for evaluating the impact of Healthcare Improvement Science Education across Europe: a qualitative study  
Manuel Lillo-Crespo, M. Cristina Sierras-Davó, Rhoda MacRae, Kevin Rooney
J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2017;14:28.   Published online November 29, 2017
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Frontline healthcare professionals are well positioned to improve the systems in which they work. Educational curricula, however, have not always equipped healthcare professionals with the skills or knowledge to implement and evaluate improvements. It is important to have a robust and standardized framework in order to evaluate the impact of such education in terms of improvement, both within and across European countries. The results of such evaluations will enhance the further development and delivery of healthcare improvement science (HIS) education. We aimed to describe the development and piloting of a framework for prospectively evaluating the impact of HIS education and learning.
The evaluation framework was designed collaboratively and piloted in 7 European countries following a qualitative methodology. The present study used mixed methods to gather data from students and educators. The framework took the Kirkpatrick model of evaluation as a theoretical reference.
The framework was found to be feasible and acceptable for use across differing European higher education contexts according to the pilot study and the participants’ consensus. It can be used effectively to evaluate and develop HIS education across European higher education institutions.
We offer a new evaluation framework to capture the impact of HIS education. The implementation of this tool has the potential to facilitate the continuous development of HIS education.


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JEEHP : Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions